Life In The Village

It's Not-So-Ritzie


Published by J.Downie under on 3:38 PM
My friend’s blog post made me think about some of the funny stuff my kids say and how I really should write it down. Check out Planet Adria.  Anyway, this morning during my shower, I hear some pouting as my curtain opens and lets in the cold air.  Kirra appears with tears in her eyes and says “Mommy, my ear swallowed something and it really hurt.”  Sniff Sniff.  Aww, that was just too cute but sorry, it's picture day.  Take some medicine and you're off to school.

Christian has some interesting sayings of his own.  Usually his are more like philosophical questions.  Like the other week he asked how the first tree came about.  Hmmm, that’s something you don’t think about every day and it certainly makes you wonder.

But the best was the other morning as we were driving to school, I hear Kirra in the back seat saying to Christian, “Christian, say ASS.”  Of course I was like, “What did you say?!?”   And she repeated again, “Christian, say ASS.”  Apparently she’s been picking up her teachers’ teaching methods of breaking words into parts and saying each part then combining it into the word.  She was trying to teach Christian to say Ashecombes which is where they were going on a field trip.  It was cute but we’re going to work on incorporating the “SH” sound into words so people like “assley” won’t get affended.

No matter how calmly you try to referee, parenting will eventually produce bizarre behavior, and I'm not talking about the kids. Their behavior is always normal.
Bill Cosby 

Why don't pigs fly?

Published by J.Downie under on 2:58 PM
Some questions are easily answered.  

What type of gas do you put in your car?  White or wheat?  Schlitz or Troegs? Do I really need to answer that last one? Or when your child asks if you love them, you instinctively answer with a Yes!  

But, do you have questions in your life you just don’t know the answer to?  Some questions are not easily answered.  Why is there war or poverty in the world?  Where did the first tree come from?  Why does my dog try to bite spots of light? Or when you are taken advantage of or emotionally abused, why do you put up with it?

Life brings many challenges, feelings and situations to us on a day to day basis.  How we react and handle those situations influence how we will exist in the world for days to come. We can allow those difficult questions paralyze us or we can harness those experiences and move forward with what we have learned.

I came across a blog that is inspiring, full of wisdom, meaningful quotes and life experiences.  I like this blog because I can relate to how the person describes her thoughts and feelings and hope to move forward in life in a positive manner like this person has. Lori Deschene is the Founder of Tiny Buddha. She is conducting a project: Your life’s questions in photos. Visit to be enlightened and read more about the project.

What’s been the hardest question in your life?

Camping Adventures

Published by J.Downie under on 4:47 PM
This past weekend our happy little westy had a trip to a cold and windy place called Happy Valley.  The family, including our black lab mix Proto, got dressed in our blue and white to go route for the good ‘ole Nittany Lion.  It was the usual tailgating scene beforehand. The kids had fun playing a game of catch the leaves and Proto got some treats from fellow dog lovers.  They had so much fun that Kirra fell asleep during the first half of the game.  I think I would need to drink way too much in order to fall asleep during a loud football game.  But then again, that would be called passing out.  

The kids never seem to last a whole Penn State game.  After they had their share of excitement, we cruised over the mountain to Raystown Lake enjoying the foliage along the way. After setting up camp and hitting the trails for some epic mountain biking, we sat around the warmth of the camp fire. Proto was in his glory reliving his younger days when he would run along while mountain biking in Vermont and free roaming in the great outdoors.  A good dog is a tired dog.  

One of the best things of camping is to partake in a tasty cold one, like a good IPA from Dogfish Head and roasting some marshmallows for s’mores while watching the glow of the flames.  As I sat there snuggled in a fuzzy blanket watching the sparks fly off the wood and hoping not to be drowned out by the smoke, I noticed an alarming aroma of skunk fill the air.  I thought to myself, “Hmmm, Proto went into the woods a few minutes ago.”  Yes, you guessed it.  Proto got sprayed by a skunk. We called for him a few times, then slowly and meekly he wandered up from the woods knowing he was in trouble.  So, what do you do with a skunky dog while you’re camping? We didn’t have the old reliable tomato juice, dog shampoo, or even dish soap. We did find a packet of Tide Laundry detergent which was the best we could come up with.  It did not completely work but he was better.  Our drive home the next day was accompanied by the lovely aroma of our skunk-tide smelling dog.  

Here’s a tip on how to wash the smell away.  After getting home and doing some research, he was washed with a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap.  Do not get it into his eyes or ears.  He still has a slight skunk aroma but it’s much better than before.  

Note to self: put a light on your black dog’s collar to help keep tabs on him while camping.

Exercising patience in situations where you have no control is vital. (Sandie Roman)

What’s that Goldilocks… You saw a Bear?

Published by J.Downie under on 4:01 PM
We’ve been known to have various kinds of wildlife in our area:  squirrels, chipmunks, dogs, frogs, etc. etc.   The one play date that I attempted to have was invaded by a swarm of honey bees looking for a new place to call home.  It made for some small talk but not a good play time atmosphere.  Then there was the time I chased after a large groundhog or maybe it was a badger, only to find a dead skunk in my window well.  A window pane fell on him.  Poor little guy, his legs were sticking out from under the window like the witch in Wizard of Oz when the house fell on her. 
We’ve also had a bear meander around the village occasionally.  One strolled across the lot adjacent to our house one day.  Or black lab mix puffed up and went to check him out.  That bear could have had him for lunch but just went off into the woods instead. That didn’t seem to bother me too much since it was across the street like some magic fortress wall would keep it out.  But the other night was the closest I’ve ever been to one.  Around 10:30 pm, I went to throw a bag of trash off our deck into the trash cans.  I looked at a strange shadow and thought; I didn’t let our dog out.  Next thing I know, that strange shadow is looking at me.  Well, I turned around, got the dogs in the house, and told my husband there’s a bear in the yard.  By the time he went out to check it out, the bear was gone.  He probably was just as startled as I was and we both ran in opposite directions.  Luckily it didn’t turn out like the Perry County family that had a bear follow their dog into their house and attack them.   

So for Christmas, I’d like a brighter flash light. 

"The greatest thrill is not to kill but to let live"

James Oliver Curwood (from the "Grizzly King")


Published by J.Downie under on 12:03 PM
Yes, technically I live in a village.  It’s a great little neighborhood surrounded by nature, mountains (well, what PA calls mountains), and plenty of wild life.  It’s a place where kids play, and parents hang.  It’s a place where we breathe in the morning air, and rest our souls at night.  Your village could be your apartment and the nearby park, your camping RV, your house in the suburbs with the white picket fence, or god forbid, your cubicle.  Where ever your village is, it’s a place where you spend time, live the ups and downs of life and reflect on what may be.  As I tell you about my village, feel free to leave comments and tell everyone about yours.

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.   
 ~Rabindranath Tagore


I plan on utilizing this blog to share happenings of our life and surroundings. I'd also like to use it to share positive thoughts and inspiration that I find throughout life. Please feel to contact me with any comments or suggestions.
