Life In The Village

It's Not-So-Ritzie

Here's hoping..

Published by J.Downie under on 9:06 PM
So, I did it. I took the first step and applied to the LUNA Chix team.  I am very excited about this along with some other ladies I know.  If you'd to join in on the excitement, let me know.  Even if LUNA does not choose our area to start a team, you can still hit me up for a ride.  The Village is a great place to meet, ride and have a beer.  

Also, check out another project I started.
If you are a woman who is slightly interested in mountain biking or one who LOVES the sport, WOMEN ❤ MTB is for you!  It is a place where I will list tips, tricks and tracks. It's a place where I hope you grow as a mtbr along side the growth of WOMEN  ❤ MTB. I look forward to sharing stories of your trails, wisdom and inspiration with each other through WOMEN  ❤ MTB!

(Pic of the women's clinic at DirtRag DirtFest.)

“Have respect for yourself, and patience and compassion. With these, you can handle anything.” ~Jack Kornfield


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I plan on utilizing this blog to share happenings of our life and surroundings. I'd also like to use it to share positive thoughts and inspiration that I find throughout life. Please feel to contact me with any comments or suggestions.
